Marion Jones – “Didn’t know” she was doping?
Marion Jones – Olympic Medalist
“Didn’t know” she was doping?
Stan B. Walters
Marion Jones told federal agents back in 2003 that she “didn’t know” her coach was giving her steroids. In 2004 she wrote a letter to her family and friends about the steroid charges surrounding her gold medals that she “didn’t know” her coach was giving her steroids. She said she was taking “the clear” as far back as 1999 and thought her coach was giving her flaxseed oil.
I guess she didn’t know what she was taking just like Barry Bonds. In 2003, Bonds denied ever knowingly taking performance-enhancing drugs. In testimony before a grand jury, Bonds said he believed a clear substance and cream was given to him by his trainer were flaxseed oil and an arthritis balm.
“The clear” was supposedly the flaxseed oil and the arthritis balm was called “the cream” in both Marion Jones and Bond’s cases
Sounds like that arthritis balm and flaxseed oil has some great side effects! You can run faster and hit harder.
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