The Lie Guy®
Stan B. Walters & Associates, Inc.

Phone: 813-820-3079
Hours M – F 9A – 5P Eastern
Office: 3921 Appletree Drive
      Valrico, FL  33594

Practical Kinesic Interviewing and Interrogation® Training

interview and interrogation techniques

Interviewing and Interrogation Training:
How Hosting and In-Service Training Can Save You Money.

Practical Kinesic Interviewing and Interrogation in-service training programs
have significant cost-effective benefits.

But then again, maybe saving money on quality training is not really important to you or your agency.

(Check out the REAL DIFFERENCE in the content of interviewing and interrogation courses. Their course content could be seriously out of date!)

– Only sending just 2 or 3 officers can be very expensive – perdiem, lodging, traveling, and tuition.

– How can you justify sending 2 people when 20 or more need the training?

– Just think, fifty personnel can be trained at the less than half the cost of training investigators individually!

– Consider this, all your investigative personnel will be trained in the same technique creating continuity and consistency in casework.

– We can provide the documentation and materials necessary for professional certification.

So Here’s The Question You Need To Answer:
When your investigators finish their training and start using their new interviewing and interrogation skills
… are you both happy with the results you’re getting?

But that’s the interviewing and interrogation training we have always used!

I get it! But…

 – You know, we used to use call boxes but today each officer has a digital radio.

 – In the old days officers carried revolvers but today they have semi-automatic weapons.

 – It’s sad that the vast portion of what is taught in our academies today about interviewing and interrogation and
detection of deception is based on half-century old techniques!

 – You need to understand that Practical Kinesic Interviewing and Interrogation ® is the modern
“narrative based” approach making it productive for not only suspects but also for victims and witnesses.

 – Extensive research has confirmed that investigators using “Narrative Based” interview methods have been shown
to generate 60% or more quality information.

 – “Narrative Based” interviewing and interrogation methods have a lower false confession risk.

– Non-narrative based interviewing and interrogation  techniques result in more contamination of
victim and witness statements as well as suspects.


Practical Kinesic Interview & Interrogation® – Basic Guide –
FREE 60 page ebook!

What makes Practical Kinesic Interviewing and Interrogation ® courses unique, you might ask?

 – First of all, our course content is scientific based and not anecdotal “war stories.”

 – Investigators will perform better at detection of deception because they will be relying on scientific research data and not “unproven techniques or gimmicks.”

 – What you need to know is there are “other programs” out there that have been cited in research as “failing” to provide ANY scientific support for their content. Or their content just been flat out repudiated by empirical research.

 – Practical Kinesic Interviewing and Interrogation ® uses a “subject specific” interview approach that is custom fit to each individual subject.

Check out our On-Demand Training opportunities here.


CONTACT Stan B. Walters “The Lie Guy® About  Hosting

The qualifications of your professional instructor, Stan B. Walters, CSP.

Check out our On-Demand Training opportunities here.

Who is Stan and why does he have an interest in your success…

 – Stan is regularly consulted about active forensic interview casework.

 – Stan is also involved in the scientific study of interviewing and interrogation, detection of deception and training.
(Including work with the renowned Johns Hopkins University, John Jay College,
US Army M.P. / C.I.D School, US Army National Center for Credibility Assessment, US Air Force S.E.R.E., National Security Agency, and more!)

 – Stan can pass the very stringent “Daubert Challenge” for expert testimony and scientific expertise. (What is Daubert?)

 – You should know there are instructors out there teaching who have been involved in numerous “false confession” cases.

  – It’s no surprise numerous agencies and large corporate loss prevention departments that have lost multi-million dollar law suits because of inaccurate, unscientific content, and questionable tactics.

 – The results of Stan’s research work has been published in scientific journals.

 – Stan authored the best selling text Principles of Kinesic Interview & Interrogation, 2ed. that has been accepted and in use worldwide.

 – It’s important to remember Stan has researched, developed and written his own course and course materials. 

Updates to content and regular and constant.

 – Stan has 50,000+ hours of experience in professional instruction, consulting and training.

Before the defense starts ripping your confessions in court…

shouldn’t you contact Stan today about how your agency can host an in-service program?

CONTACT Stan TODAY About Hosting a Practical Kinesic Interviewing and Interrogation course.

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